6 комментариев

  1. Алексей

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    Video recipe «Korean potato salad» from videoretsepty.ru
    Potatoes — 500 g.
    Onions — 1 pc.
    Meat (chicken fillet) — 300 gr.
    Cilantro, soy sauce
    Garlic — 3 cloves
    Vinegar — 3 tablespoons
    Black pepper, Red powder — 1/5 tsp
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    Видео Рецепты / Video Recipes — http://videoretsepty.ru/

    • This is definitely a subject that relates to men and women alike. Both have a tendency to get restless with impatience and want to settle down. We let that get in the way of growing and maturing in Christ. We have to know who we are in Him before we can figure who we are with someone else.Thank you for reagsnd!Caisi

  2. Hi Anlgea,The photos of the tiles do show them as having more color than they actually do. In reality they are white with light shades of gray. I think they would look great with a light blue wall because the color in the tile is on the cooler side. I also used a gray grout that picked up the tones in the tiles.Hope that helps! Lori

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